Thursday, March 18, 2010


So a few things that come up since I began seeking to understand more the prayer recollection. I found a really good website that lays out a pretty clearly what is required for the prayer of recollection. First of all sins of their two parts of the prayer known as prayer recollection one which we do on one which God does. They’re both the same thing and the one that we do leads to the other. Essentially it seems what we need to be doing is focusing on his presence so we feel it and really kind of letting go of everything else. Then as we begin to appreciate the pleasures… I can’t even concentrate right now… as we concentrate on the pleasure he gives us and focus on what he’s doing in us we become more immersed in it. The article I read was helpful in many ways. Especially at the end when he gave us a warning about those of us who desire contemplation and, “consult men, and the writings of men; yet do not apply to him who in one moment can give light to the humble soul, teaching it without sound of words, and imparting more in one single prayer of contemplation then could be obtained in years from the most spiritual man.” it really challenged me to stop my reading and begin my praying…

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