Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Holy Desire

1 Cor. 14:1 Pursue love, yet desire earnestly spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy.

When I Had first returned to the Lord I went on a winter retreat with my church. it was a lot of fun, on the bus ride up we were all talking with each other about what we were hoping God would share with us and speak to us about. I was blessed that trip and I got to see God in action. The minister who was speaking that weekend was heavily gifted in the prophetic. Without fail he went to every person and told them God’s perspective on exactly what they had been talking about on the bus ride up. It was amazing to me. I remember thinking, “Why is this something I've never seen in action before? Why don’t we do this every day at church an not just here?” It was then and there I began to seek God for the gift of prophecy. I’d get to see it in bits and pieces here and there but never on the level that I was seeking after and to be honest I had just about all but given up.

I began thinking, well maybe God wants to bless me in another area and that was just what He used to get me excited about my faith and help to get me close to Him. Fast forward a few years and I’ve finally come to see how ignorant of a view that is. God does not trifle with His children! When you have a desire for a spiritual blessing, especially one which you are commanded to seek after in scripture, you can be sure it is the Spirit of God stirring it up inside of you. How often, after all, when left to our own devices do we desire what is good? We either lust after the things of the flesh or the things of the Spirit. When Holy Spirit excites us desire His gifting or any blessing for that matter we can be sure it will be given to us and we are bound by obedience to pursue and seek after that blessing until God, who is a good God, gives it to us. after all, it was His idea to give it to us in the first place.

1 comment:

  1. AMEN!! God is so GOOD!!! Like candy and ice cream. yummy!
